Thursday, January 6, 2011

The one with the hot messes

So, for your ocular pleasure, I have two pairings of hot mess photographs from the last two days. Yesterday, 1/5/11, I had a late day at work. I didn't leave until around 7:15. School ends at 3, and I got to work at 7. Long. Day. Anyway, in the mess of meeting with my TFA program director (PD) and my school district teacher-in-residence (TIR) (there are too many acronyms in my life right now), I collected a couple trees worth of papers to grade, sign, etc. So, I felt the need to document the NOLA post-Katrina mess that was my desk. Voila:

The good news is I'm a neat freak, so after I entered a few grades, the beast was tamed and my desk looked more like a desk again.

Moving on: the school I teach at is not too unlike your average American high school. You've got some preps, some jocks, some goths, and, well... There's a faction of the school population that seems to have a general disregard for any and all fashion norms. Therefore, for today's photograph, I present you with two fashion faux pas I happen to catch during passing time.

I couldn't tell if those were socks or actually part of her pants... I'm not sure which would be better or worse...

And then there's this trend to wear colored jeans... But bright yellow's a new one.

Maybe this is extremely passe for me to admit, but back when I was in high school, I don't think our garb was quite so... unique. However, I should note that I respect the kids who choose to where whatever the heck they want. I was (am?) the type of person who'd rather conform and blend into the crowd than stand out - it doesn't sound like the type of thing someone wants to really admit, but it makes life easier, I guess.

Well, until next time!

1 comment:

  1. I want those socks. And I guess that means you know how I dressed in high school.
